Some of My Favorite Things: November Edition

SurpriseSaturday #1

I wrote this post two weeks ago at the end of November, but forgot to post is. So, Surprise!

At the end of every month I list all my favorites of the month (I haven’t done this for like 4 months, but thought it would be fun to bring this theme back!). It’s just a fun way to share all the new things I’ve discovered this month.

Here are my favorites for November:

Let’s start with some music. I’ve had this song on repeat for the past month. I’ve always been a big musical fan and will be going to this movie as soon as I can! Do you know which song I’m talking about yet? It’s This Is Me from the Greatest Showman. The lyrics are truly brilliant and the music is absolutely beautiful!

Most of you probably know I just finished my Master in Book and Digital Media Studies. I’ve always loved to read and although I haven’t been reading a lot lately, I do want to include a book that I always keep on my nightstand. It’s a book my sister gave to me a while ago. It’s F in Exams: The Big Book of Test Paper Blunders by Richard Benson. You can just open it up on a random page and enjoy the genius answers students have written down on their exams.

For example:
List two ways Pride and Prejudice can be read.
1. Sitting down, book on lap.
2. Lying down.

They aren’t wrong!

Who doesn’t love food? This November I’ve been making some pretty amazing French Toast if I may say so myself. It’s easy and delicious! If you’ve never had French Toast before, you should really try it!

French Toast
My French Toast!

To be honest, I don’t really go to museums, like at all. But I do love art. I just don’t like walking around in museums for hours. So this month, I want to share some art you can find outside. I’m talking about the art pieces created by Banksy of course. They send some pretty intense messages.

We all need to have a good laugh at times, right? So, here is my favorite joke for November. It’s this really bad pun!
A friend of mine tried to annoy me with bird puns, but I soon realized that toucan play at that game.
Oh, come on! You loved it!

Okay, maybe that joke was lame, but this quote will definitely inspire you.
Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
– Eleanor Roosevelt

The last thing I would like to share is my favorite post written in November. The best way to improve your own writing is by learning from others. I try to read as many posts from other bloggers as I can. This month my eye fell on this masterpiece. Trust me, you have to read Things not to tell an Art Historian… by AudreyRose! I can truly relate.

Have a nice Saturday.

Author: Charlotte's Corner

All I've ever wanted is to write stories. Sometimes they are born in a single moment and flow out straight onto the page. Other times it takes work and effort, but one thing is certain. No story can be written when you are afraid to start!

9 thoughts on “Some of My Favorite Things: November Edition”

  1. Thank you for the mention Charlotte! Love this post!
    If you ever visit Krakow, go to the Jewish Quarter! There is so much street art around every corner. My favourite one shows Gene Kelly while singing “Singing in the Rain” (which is my all-time favourite song).
    Happy Saturday!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Charlotte you are my new favorite person!!!

    I have loved musicals since I was in high school where I was in choir and of course a lot of the songs and things you do there are musical and play related.

    I consider myself a HUGE bibliophile and have always loved reading. When I was 3 I would read the local newspaper to my Dad and haven’t stopped since. That book you mentioned sounds like it would be a great book to do exactly as you mentioned, just pick it up from time to time and read a story or two about things people have submitted in papers.

    Question about your degree…as I recall you are from the Netherlands. Are people with your degree usually seeking to work in either libraries of some sort or working with documents and preservation and so on? I had a friend who was seeking a degree very similar to that here in the states and that’s what a lot of those people seemed to be aiming for. I admit it would be another field I could definitely put some passion behind, especially working with really old classic pieces of literature, writing, and other documents and their preservation etc.

    By the way loved the punny joke! Sounds like something I would tell my family and friends and then they would give me a cursory eye roll! LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha, thank you! I didn’t discover my love for reading until I was already a teenager. I mean, we can’t all start reading at three years old 😂.

      As for the degree, yes it is about the preservation of books as well as library studies. It however also focuses on the different departments of publishing houses and you also learn about the impact of Social Media on society. We even had to learn some basic computer coding.

      I have decided to focus more on actually writing myself when it comes to my job though 😅.


      1. Wow that sounds like a pretty comprehensive program! The one my friend is in might be like that but I haven’t talked to them in a bit so…

        Good luck with the writing! Are you wanting to eventually write books and novels or like more periodical type writing for magazines and newspapers etc.?


          1. You should write a post about your goal of writing that YA novel. I’d be interested in hearing anything you have gotten done and the process as you work through that!

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